5/5 Kl: 13:00 – 18:00



Kl 13:00 Kino 2

Another Nakba / dokumentärfilm / 2024 / Palestina / Regisserad av Orabi Alsawalma /  Språk arabiska / Undertexter: engelska / 21min

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Den palestinska frågan började aldrig den 7 oktober, utan började efter Balfourdeklarationen 1917. Israel hävdar att de kämpar mot mänskliga djur, så de stängde av elektricitet, mat, vatten och bränsle under folkmordet 2023.


Another Nakba / documentary film / 2024 / Palestine / Directed by Orabi Alsawalma /  Language Arabic / Subtitles: English / 21min

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Palestinian cause never began on the 7th of October, but started after the Balfour declaration in 1917. Israel claims fighting human animals, so they cut off electricity, food, water and fuel during the 2023 genocide.


Omer | dokumentärfilm | 2023 | Palestina | Språk: Arabiska | Undertexter: Engelska | Regissör: Mohamed Nayef Ali | 26Min

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Filmen dokumenterar den israeliska ockupationen under kriget mot Gaza 2021. Omar är den enda överlevande i sin familj, som befann sig 12 timmar under spillrorna.


Omer | documentary film | 2023 | Palestine | Language: Arabic | Subtitles: English | Director: Mohamed Nayef Ali | 26Min

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The film documents the crimes of Israeli occupation during the war on Gaza in 2021. Omar is the only survivor of his family, who were 12 hours under the rubble.


This Life Is Mine, and I will live it / Kortfilm / 2023 / Palestina / Regisserad av Maysaloon Younis A. Q., Palestina / Språk: Arabiska, Undertexter: engelska / 5Min

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Eman är mor till två och canceröverlevare, som befann sig framför en overklig utmaning som hon vann. Beväpnad med kärlek och beslutsamhet.

This Life Is Mine, and I will live it / Short film / 2023 / Palestine / Directed by Maysaloon Younis A. Q., Palestine / Language: Arabic, Subtitles: English / 5Min

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Eman is a mother of two and a cancer survivor, who found herself faced with an unreal challenge that she won. Armed with love and determination.



Kl 14.15 - Kino 2

Freedom is Female | dokumentärfilm | 2023 | Palestina | Språk: Arabiska | Undertexter: Engelska | Regissör: Amira Shannan | 6Min 

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En begåvad 20-årig tjej står inför kampen att kunna leva som målare, i ett samhälle som tyvärr försöker kontrollera kvinnor och förneka dem rätten att vara fria och oberoende.



Frihet är en kvinna | documentary film | 2023 | Palestine | Language: Arabic | Subtitles: English | Director: Amira Shannan | 6Min

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A talented 20-year-old girl faces the struggle to live as a painter, in a society that unfortunately tries to control women and deny their right to be free and independent.


Du är perfekt precis som du är 2023, Regisserad av Amjad M. Alfayomy, Palestina, 5min Språk: arabiska, undertexter: engelska

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Mahmoud föddes med en fosterskada i benet som hindrade honom från att gå under sin barndom. Han började intala sig att han inte är mindre perfekt än någon annan.

You are Perfect just the way you are   2023, Directed by Amjad M. Alfayomy, Palestine, 5min Language: Arabic, Subtitles: English

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Mahmoud was born with a birth defect in his leg that prevented him from walking during his childhood. He began to tell himself that he is no less perfect than anyone else

Glädjens Mask | dokumentärfilm I 2023 | Palestina | Språk: Arabiska | Undertexter: Engelska | Regissör: Majd Abu Hamda | 5Min

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Alaa Meqdad är en kort man som lever i ett samhälle som inte tolererar skillnader. Han har genomlidit olika former av hån och vad det innebär att känna sig otillräcklig, men han tänker inte på sin kropp som en förbannelse.

The Mask of Joy | documentary film | 2023 | Palestine | Language: Arabic | Subtitles: English | Director: Majd Abu Hamda | 5Min

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Alaa Meqdad is a short man who lives in a society that does not tolerate differences. He has endured various forms of mockery and feeling inadequate, but he does not think of his body as a curse.

Mitt Gaza | dokumentärfilm | 2009 | Land: Sverige | Språk: engelska, arabiska | Undertexter: engelska | Producent : PeÅ Holmquist, Sweden | 43:25Min

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Mitt Gaza är en personlig, politisk och poetisk dokumentärfilm av PeÅ Holmquist, som under 30 år har filmat människors öden i denna ofta grymma värld. Nu har PeÅ gjort en egen personlig film om Gaza och de personer han mött under alla dessa år. Vi möter Mustafa som ung och energisk sjukskötare under det tidiga 80-talet, som efter kriget 2008-09 själv ligger på sjukhus. Vi möter hans dotter Raida och barnbarn (namn), som just överlevt ett tre veckors intensivt krig.

My Gaza | documentary film | 2009 | Country: Sweden | Language: English, Arabic |Subtitles Subtitleh|  |Producer: PeÅ Holmquist, Sweden | 43:25Min 

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My Gaza is a personal, political and poetic documentary film by PeÅ Holmquist, who for 30 years has filmed people’s fates in this often cruel world. Now Holmquist makes a personal reflection based on his many visits to Gaza reflecting the people he met during all these years. We meet Mustafa as a young and energetic nurse in the early 80s, who after the war in 2008-09 is himself hospitalized. We meet his daughter Raida and grandson (name), who have just survived the three-week intense war.

Kl 15.30 - Kino 1

Israelism | dokumentärfilm | 2023 | USA | Språk: English | Undertexter: Engelska | Regissör: Erin Axelman och Aam Eilertsen | 85Min + Paneldiskussion 50min

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Israel är centralt för det politiska och kulturella livet i det amerikanska judiska samfundet. Men det har också blivit ett djupt splittrande ämne, eftersom smärtsamma sprickor har uppstått inom det judiska samfundet över Israel-Palestina-konflikten. Israelismen utforskar det förflutna, nuet och framtiden för relationen mellan amerikanska judar och Israel, vilka konsekvenserna har varit och vad som kommer att hända när splittringen fortsätter att växa.

Svenska undertexter av Annika Rabo & Victor Nygren


Hebatalla Taha, Associate Senior Lecturer at Lund University’s Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies and the Depart- ment of Political Science. Her work lies at the intersection of political economy and security in the modern Middle East, particularly Israel/Palestine.

Yaël Pool, Artist, researcher, and activist based in Malmö committed to anti-Zionist education. A member of Judisk Upprop and DubbelExponerat and founder of In Between The Lines, a project highlighting queer, racialized artists with a background of migration.

Izzat Ali: My activism is fueled by a deep-rooted belief in the power of collective voices to shape a more just and equitable world for all. A free Palestine shall be the catalyst to ignite the fire that pave the way for that.

Nora Lagstrom Jebara : Multidisciplinary artist and designer. Currently studying master’s degree in mechanical engineering with industrial design at LTH. Born to a Palestinian father and Swedish Finnish mother. Raised in Palestine, based in Malmö,






Israelism | documentary film | 2023 | USA | Language: English | Subtitles: English | Director: Erin Axelman & Aam Eilertsen | 85Min + Panel Discussion 50min

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Israel is central to the political and cultural life of the American Jewish community. But it has also become a deeply divisive subject, as painful cracks have emerged within the Jewish community over the Israel-Palestine conflict. Israelism explores the past, present and future of the relationship between American Jews and Israel, what the consequences have been, and what will happen as divisions continue to grow.

Swedish Subtitles by Annika Rabo & Victor Nygren


Hebatalla Taha, Associate Senior Lecturer at Lund University’s Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies and the Depart- ment of Political Science. Her work lies at the intersection of political economy and security in the modern Middle East, particularly Israel/Palestine.

Yaël Pool   Artist, researcher, and activist based in Malmö committed to anti-Zionist education. A member of Judisk Upprop and DubbelExponerat and founder of In Between The Lines, a project highlighting queer, racialized artists with a background of migration.

Izzat Ali: My activism is fueled by a deep-rooted belief in the power of collective voices to shape a more just and equitable world for all. A free Palestine shall be the catalyst to ignite the fire that pave the way for that.

Nora Lagstrom Jebara : Multidisciplinary artist and designer. Currently studying master’s degree in mechanical engineering with industrial design at LTH. Born to a Palestinian father and Swedish Finnish mother. Raised in Palestine, based in Malmö,